Thursday, June 17, 2010


Help me kill my time, because i'll never be fine.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

For better or worse?


You were better to the ones that were worse for you. And worse to the one that was better for you.

We could have been something...

Art in Agony

We plot, we plan, we assume things are going to go A certain way and then they don’t and we find ourselves In a new place, a place we haven’t been before, a place We never would have imagined on our own,

And so it was difficult and unexpected and maybe even Tragic and yet it opened us up and freed us to see Things in a whole new way

Suffering does that— It hurts, But it also creates.

How many of the most significant moments in your Life came not because it all went right, but because It all fell apart?

It’s strange how there can be art in the agony…


I'm going to miss staring at your MSN display name when you were online and knowing that we were both doing exactly the same thing. Even though we ended things badly....sometimes I remember the good times and I miss you and I wish I had the guts to click on your name and talk late at night like we used to. I wonder if you think the same way sometimes about me...

I really hope that by some fate we become friends again...because the good times, they weren't when we were together, they were when you were my best friend and we could talk about anything.

Good Bye T

I really will miss you

Friday, June 11, 2010


“Most of our troubles are due to our passionate desire for and attachment to things that we misapprehend as enduring entities.” ~Dalai Lama

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I never say hello because I fear goodbyes...


As I put down my pen, I know someone, somewhere is picking up theirs. I know that someone, somewhere is playing a guitar for the first time. I know that someone, somewhere is dipping a paintbrush and marking a field of white. I know that someone, somewhere is singing a song that's never been sung. Perhaps someone, somewhere will create something so beautiful and moving, it will change the world. Perhaps that somewhere is here. Perhaps that someone, is you. - I wrote this for you

Monday, June 7, 2010


NEVER assume someone is okay. I'm not okay.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


We were so you are just another stranger...

I miss you.

Friday, June 4, 2010


My father threw a glass at my mother today. Tomorrow we'll go to church and pretend we're a happy family. My Dad's the minister. He's also a bastard who surfs the net for porn. Go figure.

Friday, May 21, 2010


There are approximately 6470, 818, 671 people breathing at this moment in time. Some of these people are living to the fullest, taking risks, traveling the world, loving without fear of a broken heart, seeing their child for the first time, walking down the isle and finishing degrees. Unfortunately there are also people who are breathing but they are not living...they are merely existing on this planet. I am one of these people...tomorrow I will risk. Risk a broken heart for loves sake, risk failure to get a qualification, risk loneliness to travel the world and one day welcome one more life onto this planet so one day they too can decide which life they will lead. We only get one.